A little bit about me:
Growing up I always “knew” I wanted to be an attorney. Although now looking back, I think I was brainwashed…possibly by my dad, definitely by Matlock. You see I spent many hours in front of the television watching Matlock with my dad, an attorney, while he got dressed for work. I grew up thinking I wanted to be just like my dad…and Matlock. As far back as high school, I “knew” I wanted to be an attorney, so I didn’t really pay attention to courses or assessments that told me which fields I would be best suited for. After graduating law school, I went to work at a litigation firm in downtown Los Angeles. I spent many hours sifting through papers and writing motions. Funny, I never remembered seeing Matlock sitting at a desk. The shine started to wear off and I quickly realized I had made a big mistake – I was miserable.
I found myself trapped in a job I hated and depressed that my life’s vision had turned out to be nothing like what I had expected. I knew I needed to make a change. But how? I had no idea. Instead I spent hours googling things like “non-law jobs for lawyers” and stuffed the feelings down – usually with the help of something from the vending machine.
It turned out before things could change, I had to change.
I had to do my own personal development work. Lots of it. I didn’t know what I wanted, but I knew I didn’t want life to continue as it was. I kept thinking “there has to be more than this?!” So I signed up for a 1:1 coaching program and started the journey of personal growth and exploration. I started journaling and processing and determined that what I really wanted (for that season) was to just stay home with my son (who was suffering from severe developmental delays.) So, after ten years in the law (three law firms, five years of business litigation, one General Counsel position and five years of contracts, trademarks, patents and stressful negotiations, I had a new mission! My goal was to get my son caught up and back on track developmentally. I found myself at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where I got certified as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. At first, my goal was just to help my son, but soon I realized that I was passionate about coaching. The part I had always loved about being a lawyer – being a counselor and trusted advisor – was something I could continue to do with coaching.

At IIN, I learned, not only about health and wellness, but also the beginnings of life coaching.
Hungry for more (no pun intended, but who doesn’t like a pun here and there), I enrolled in an ICF (International Coach Federation) approved program which promised to take me around the world as I learned more about life and success coaching. But two days after enrolling, I found out that I was pregnant with my second son, Max. It was the greatest surprise of my life – although to be honest, I wasn’t immediately thrilled with the news. You see, we had tried to have a second baby and were unable to, so I turned my focus back to my career and travel and my (now ex) husband and I had made big plans. Of course, Max has turned out to be the most amazing blessing and one that I am thankful for everyday, but I needed a perspective shift. I needed to know that I could be a good mom to my boys and still pursue my coaching dreams…and travel. And voila, here we are! As it turns out, it is possible to have a child (or a baby) or two or more and still live a life of meaning and purpose and design it all yourself. It just takes a plan of action, a blueprint, some determination and lots of excitement and encouragement.
When Max was six months old, I was able to reenroll and in 2017, I received a second certification in coaching while traveling and studying in Maui, Mallorca, Paris and other places. This program and opportunity added a healthy dose of luxurious self-care and divine living to round out my coaching program. Because life was meant to be lived not worked!
So now I juggle two boys, a labradoodle, two businesses, a podcast, a schedule full of travel and fun and a house full of dirty dishes and laundry and I’ve found an amazing balance that works for me. Let me help you find the balance that will work for you!

A little more about me:
I love crystals and animal totems and signs from the Universe. But I didn’t always. I was a no-nonsense, skeptical lawyer that went by the “lovable” nicknames “Bitter Burch” and “Destroyer of Fun.” No joke! (And I have an affinity for air quotes if you can’t tell by now.)
I encompass and offer both sides: East Coast meets West Coast, Yin meets Yang, Education meets Intuition. I rely on your intuition (and mine) and also a sprinkle of tough love (maybe more than a sprinkle). I’m the perfect combination of straight talk and an empathetic ear to help you get where you want to go!
You are the expert of your life. But I can help by showing you another view – another story.
Too many people spend too much time (and energy) on things that steal their joy rather than feeding it. You may not even know what your joy is – and that’s where I started. I didn’t know what my hobbies, interests and passions were – or if I even had any. But that’s what we will do together – figure it all out.
I invite you to join me on this amazing journey of self-discovery.
My hobbies, interests and passions: writing and performing stand up comedy (I recently realized my lifelong dream of performing at the Improv Comedy Club), anything and everything health and wellness related, including making my own baby food and almond milk (one day I’ll learn to make my own kombucha), reinventing myself, making to do lists, buying books on Amazon, wearing yoga pants, and keeping it real.